youth work in the 21st century.
The basic idea of the European partnership “YOWOMO2.0-Train” is to develop ideas and concepts for the education and training of youth workers in the 21st century. At this symposium, the results of this partnership will be presented and basic values for youth work in the age of smartphones and social media will be discussed. The event will be held in English or translated into English
The digital world is increasingly becoming a natural habitat for children and adolescents, particularly the rising importance of smartphones and social media. Digitalisation is a challenge for the educational practice of youth work, school social work, youth care and for related fields. The main target group of the “Youth Work Mobile 2.0-Train partnership” (YOWOMO2.0-Train) are youth workers as well as trainers and educators of youth work. For both groups, education is developed, in order to acquire competencies and apply the newest digital technologies in youth work. This will enable professional youth work to become an actor in the digitisation of Europe by promoting e-inclusion, community cohesion, digital citizenship, youth participation and at the same time will be reducing information poverty among young people.
Venue is the Youth hostel Bremen (Kalkstraße 6, 28195 Bremen, Germany).
10:00 Welcome
ServiceBureau Jugendinformation, Bremen (Markus Gerstmann)
HeurekaNet – Freies Institut für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation e.V., Münster (Marcus Flachmeyer)
What challenges are we talking about? Findings on adolescents and online risks
Digital media pose new challenges for adolescents as well as parents and educators. Findings from a European project and a classification of various online risks show the challenges involved and can serve as a starting point for one's own work .
Dr. Claudia Lampert is senior postdoc at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut and focuses in her work on questions of growing up in digitalised media environments as well as on the field of health communication. In the context of various projects (i.a. EU Kids Online, Socialisation in Changing Media Environments, she researches especially the role of digital media in the everyday lives of children and young people as well as the challenges for family education in everyday life.
11:15 Questions / Discussion
Coffee break
12:00h Lutz Siemer - Freies Institut für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation e.V., Münster – Presentation „The Erasmus+ partnership YOWOMO2.0-Train“
12:30 Lunch at the youth hostel
13:30h Lutz Siemer – Results and output of YOWOMO2.0-Train (Online courses, course plans and training material for both trainers and youth workers)
14:30h Markus Gerstmann - ServiceBureau Jugendinformation, Bremen – Lecture “Aspects of media competence”
15:15 Coffee and cake
15:45h World café “Are you prepared for youth work in the 21st century?”
16:30h Collecting results
17:00h End
Jugendherberge Bremen
Kalkstr. 6
28195 Bremen
- 20 Euro